Wednesday 6 March 2013

Apollo Hospitals Perform Minimally Invasive Knee ReplacementResurfacement Surgery Using OrthoGlide Medial Knee System

Apollo Health City performed a revolutionary Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement (Resurface) Surgery (MIKRS) using OrthoGlide Medial Knee system. This surgery was successfully performed for the first time in Andhra Pradesh by a team of orthopedic surgeons led by Dr Prabhat Lakkireddi, consultant keyhole and minimally invasive orthopedic surgeon. The team performed a bilateral (on both the knees) OrthoGlide knee surgery for the first time in India. 

OrthoGlide, a metallic, wedge-shaped device is a novel implant that replaces worn cartilage inside the knee. It offers patients a less invasive alternative to total knee replacement. This device is inserted into the knee through a 5 to 7cm incision, which relieves pressure, restores proper joint alignment, redistribute the load more evenly and increases stability.

The surgery using OrthoGlide knee implant was performed on a 45-year-old lady with severe pain in both the knees for the past three years. The path breaking surgery took under an hour for each knee leaving all the joint bones naturally and virtually untouched with almost no blood loss, no bone loss and no cement. After the surgery, the patient had minimal pain and started walking the following day.

Dr Prabhat Lakkireddi, who was trained in London for 10 years and recently joined Apollo Health City, said, "This surgery promises a less expensive and easy path of regaining normal life style functions, it definitely offers a new ray of hope to active and young patients who are worried about major surgery and prolonged post-op rehabilitation to deal with Knee Arthritis." 

The major advantages of this surgery over standard total knee replacement includes its affordable cost and early rehabilitation which helps patients to return to their normal routine and life style expeditiously. It allows patients to squat and sit cross-legged, an important part of our daily lives in our Indian Culture, which is not possible with the conventional knee replacement surgery. Above all, OrthoGlide allows delay of total knee replacement until patients are older and less likely to require a second knee replacement, Apollo Health City said.

As against a total knee replacement, MIKRS involves two inches incision, no cutting of the natural bone, the joint is left intact, no cutting of the muscle therefore no bleeding, less painful, low infection, less complications, fast recovery, can walk the same day, the surgery can be performed as a day care surgery, therefore doesn't require hospitalization and cost would range between INR1.1 - 1.2 lakhs, which would come down further with mass utilization of the device. This surgery has the approval of the FDA. The total knee replacement is a major surgery involving an incision of 6–8 inches, around half a liter blood loss, bone cutting which means usage of bone cement, high risk of infection, hospitalization of five to 10 days and long period of rehabilitation, Apollo Health City added.

According to Apollo Health City, this surgery can be opted after conservative oral medical treatments fail. 'MIKRS' offers a cost effective treatment for early and moderate arthritis of the knee joint at virtually half the cost of total knee replacements - which is considered to be the last option for the disease in advance stages with badly degenerated joints.

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