Friday 8 March 2013

First time in india successfully performed Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery (MIKRS) in Apollo Hospitals by Dr Prabhat Lakkireddi and his team

Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, has performed a new minimally invasive knee replacement surgery, that boasts of being the first of its kind to be done in Andhra Pradesh, and some of the few performed in India. Dr Prabhat Lakkireddi, who led the orthopaedic surgeon’s team, said that this new method eliminates the need for cutting the bone, which helps in a quicker recovery. It is also 50% cheaper than conventional surgery.

Arthritis is the most common cause for knee pain; it is a condition where the lining between the bones (cartilage) gets damaged causing inflammation and pain. In India 50% of the population develops arthritis in their lifetime. It is the most common disorder after diabetes.

This new technique involves replacing worn out cartilage with OrthoGlide, a metallic, wedge shaped device that is implanted in place of the cartilage inside the knee. The device can be places inside the knee with just a 5-7cm incision, which relieves pressure, restores joint alignment, distributes the load evenly and increases stability.

This breakthrough in knee replacement surgery was performed on a 45-year-old woman, in a 45 minute surgery. ,” Dr Prabhat says that OrthoGlide allows doctors to delay total knee replacement until the patient becomes older and requires the surgery.

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